About Dexeq

On this page you can find more about the history of Dexeq and our 25 years of experience in the field of ID document and Currency Fraud.

Dexeq, or Document Examination Equipment, is founded back in 2011.

The founder was working for the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee for a period of 18 years. From 1994 to end of 2011 he was working on the airport Schiphol, as an operational immigration officer at first. After he became a ID document expert and worked over 11 years for the Expertise centre Identityfraud and Documents. As an ID document expert on operational level, responsible for authentication of ID documents to policy employee mainly involved in new technologies, innovations and automated border control.

End of 2011 he decided to leave and founded Dexeq.

Dexeq, has over 25 years of experience in the field of ID document and Currency Fraud, which makes it easy to select only the best products for their customers.

Today our Dexeq team is able to select these products suitable for Immigration and Police tasks focusing on authenticate ID documents, breeder documents or banknotes. All products meet the high demand of its users, clear magnification and focus, or additional light sources for forensic examination.

Our 4 team members work with dedication and commitment in order to serve our customers.

In order to increase the number of products, services and professionalism within Dexeq, the founder separated the company from the other activities of AVDSolutions. From November 2022 Dexeq started with a new owner, with a full focus of manufacturer and (re)seller of Document Examination Equipment.  

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you want to know more about our product.